Active Seer Green Planning applications are listed below.


6 Highlands Road, Seer Green, HP9 2XN



Wood Rising, Long Grove, Seer Green, HP9 2QH

Variation of condition 9 (approved plans) of planning permission PL/23/3800/FA (Replacement dwelling) to allow minor alterations to building design.


Grove Cottage, Bottom Lane, Seer Green, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2UH,

Part single/part two storey side/rear extension and first floor rear extension following the demolition of the existing garage and conservatory. Extension of the existing vehicular access.


Caledonia, Long Grove, Seer Green, HP9 2QH

Erection of two storey extensions to each side and single storey rear and side extensions. Construction of 1 front and 2 rear dormers, conversion of the roof space into habitable room and installation of roof lights to the slope. Garage roof alteration, internal layout alteration and associated landscaping.


Land On South Side Of, Chalfont Road, Seer Green.

Replacement of existing stabling and associated storage facilities and extension to existing outdoor manege.


33 Stable Lane, Seer Green, HP9 2YT

Single storey side extension.


Old Vicarage, Long Grove, Seer Green, HP9 2QH

Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed swimming pool/gym outbuilding.