Your Council

Seer Green Parish Council is made up of nine councillors, supported by our Parish Clerk.  We operate at a level below our unitary authority, Buckinghamshire Council.  As a full Seer Green Parish Council, we meet once a month to discuss and make decisions on issues that affect the parish, such as health and safety, streetlights, village services, planning, general village upkeep and maintenance, play areas, green and community spaces.

Part of the role of Seer Green Parish Council in helping to make our village such a pleasant and safe place to live, is to decide how to spend the precept (money allocated out of the council tax we all pay) for use in the village. Our budget is carefully set and monitored. Whilst we can budget for many of our expenses, managing a large area of green space often incurs unexpected costs during the year.

Our largest expenditure is on maintenance and replacement of streetlights and managing our trees and green spaces. We use some of the precept to manage and maintain Green Meadow Playground, Green Wood, the Recreation Ground, Sports Pavilion, the Cemetery, the Allotments, defibrillators and Jubilee Walk.