Recreation Ground

Our recreation ground is situated on the northern outskirts of the Parish. The ground is managed and maintained by the Parish Council.

It provides a valued recreational and leisure facility for the whole community which is well used by dog walkers, residents, children's activities and local organised football clubs.  There is an 8 piece outdoor gym and fixed goal for general use.  There are 5 benches, located around the recreation ground.

In 2023 as a result of a village Crowdfunding initiative and generous donations from Seer Green Gardeners and Jordans Environment Trust (JET) along with funding from the Parish Council we planted a Fagus sylvatica Atropunicea (Copper/Purple Beech) tree to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee. 

To use the recreation ground for an organised activity eg children's parties or fitness activities, please contact the Parish Clerk here 

Our Pavilion is located on the edge of the car park and provides changing rooms for the organised football teams and referees plus a large room and fully equipped kitchen area.

The large room and kitchen area are currently exclusively occupied Monday to Friday by the Little Ducklings private day nursery.

Fitness Equipment

The outdoor fitness area was officially opened on Saturday 23rd March 2019. This new addition to the Recreation Ground features 8 pieces of fitness equipment, with a noticeboard and bench. This has been jointly funded by Seer Green Parish Council, Seer Green Community Trust, the Bucks County Council Local Area Forum and the Seer Green Gardeners.

Outdoor Fitness Equipment exercise sheets can be found on the noticeboard by the equipment. They can also be downloaded by clicking here.